This series of 18 bridging modules was developed to help internationally trained opticians prepare for PLAR. The bridging modules are based on the National Competencies for Opticians that are evaluated within the Competency Gap Analysis (CGA) test(s) during the PLAR process.
Each bridging module contains a theoretical instructional component and an interactive student participatory component. Both are enhanced with student assignments that include video and reading instruction. The theoretical component includes practically-based case studies, problem-solving and self-test assignments. The student is encouraged to study the theoretical component before engaging in interactive study. Each module also contains an extensive resource section with required as well as recommended reading.
Bridging Module Post-Tests
After completion of the CGA, if an applicant’s results reflect that they do not meet entry-to-practice standards, bridging modules will be assigned. The applicant must complete a post-test for each module they are assigned. All applicants have one year to complete their assigned bridging modules.
After receiving an application for the bridging module post-test(s), the NACOR office will send a link via email. The link provided is for one attempt at the post-test(s). The post-test is completed open-book with no time limit for completion, however once the test is submitted changes cannot be made. The fee for each post-test is $100.00 plus applicable GST/HST.
The required pass mark for the bridging module post-tests is 80%.
CLICK HERE for the Bridging Module Post-Test Application Form