How Course Accreditation Works
A. Course submission: the sponsor or applicant must complete an application form for each course and presenter, and submit the application with the required documentation and fee payment.
CLICK HERE to download a printable copy of the Guide for CE Providers (updated to reflect revised fee schedule effective July 1, 2024).
B. NACOR will review documents submitted by the provider.
C. NACOR will then:
• Accept and assign a CE category to the course: EG, CL, EC, or RF; or
• Reject the course submission.
• Determine the number of credits to be awarded.
• Review accuracy of indicated continuing competencies covered within the submission.
• If content warrants, assign a course credit multiplier to the submission.
D. NACOR will assign a course number.
E. NACOR will post the course on the NACOR website, by listing the course number, title, assigned category and credits and covered competencies.
F. NACOR will send a letter via email to the provider to confirm the course accreditation.
G. If NACOR rejects the course submission, the provider may appeal to NACOR in writing within 10 days of receipt of rejection notice.